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Launching Viet Nam's Food Innovation Hub: A Leap Towards Sustainable Agricultural Transformation

Ha Noi, 30 January - Grow Asia supports the establishment of the Food Innovation Hub in Viet Nam (FIH-V), which was activated this week by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development under Decision No. 5430/QD-BNN-HTQT.

Viet Nam's Food Innovation Hub will act as a catalytic platform to accelerate the transformation of Viet Nam's agricultural sector to become a powerhouse of sustainable and low-carbon agricultural products. In the first instance, FIH-V will mobilize experts and innovations that are vital for Viet Nam's 1 million-hectare High-Quality Low-Carbon Rice Project, as announced by the Prime Minister in December.

At a specially convened roundtable co-hosted by Grow Asia, MARD, and The World Bank, Executive Director Beverley Postma stated that the Food Innovation Hub will be a unifying force for stimulating public-private solutions for Viet Nam's rice sector. She stressed the importance of breaking down silos and collectively mobilizing the most innovative tools and best practices across the length of the rice supply chain, including digital technologies for climate-linked finance.

Minister Le Minh Hoan, Viet Nam's Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, thanked Grow Asia and the World Economic Forum for their work on designing the Food Innovation Hub, and stressed the importance of multi-stakeholder efforts to turn commitments into action under Viet Nam's Green Growth Strategy. Grow Asia will support Viet Nam's Food Innovation Hub through our GrowVentures public-private impact fund.

Additionally, we joined the Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture in Viet Nam (PSAV) at their annual plenary, hosted by Viet Nam's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and Grow Asia. MARD's Deputy Minister Hoang Trung underscored the importance of Public-Private Partnerships and multi-stakeholder platforms like PSAV to sustainably develop Viet Nam's agricultural sector.

During the plenary, companies showcased successful models, illustrating how innovation can be harnessed for the development of green and low-emission agriculture. We look forward to further collaboration and impactful contributions towards a more sustainable agricultural landscape in Viet Nam.

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