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Grow Asia's 8-Step Framework

The 8-Step framework summarizes how Grow Asia works as a platform to build catalytic partnerships and deliver solutions, both vertically by mobilizing partners along a specific commercial value chain or commodity sector; or horizontally through pre-competitive facilitation of knowledge sharing, training, and policy dialogue.

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These activities are carried out through country-led interventions that deliver outputs through multi-stakeholder partnerships. Collectively, they contribute to our three outcomes of creating more inclusive value chains, supporting more climate-smart solutions, and increasing food safety and security — critical to food systems transformation in Southeast Asia.

Theory of Change

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Grow Asia's Monitoring and Evaluation system has 3 purposes:


Transparently measuring and communicating Grow Asia’s progress against the Outcomes we have committed to achieving with the resources we have been given. 


Creating the evidence needed to help those managing activities, projects, and programs to understand results, adapt programs, and improve our strategic approach.


Strengthening our Country Partnerships’ and partner organizations’ ability to generate and use high-quality data to guide their own policy and decision-making.

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Singapore 068894

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