GrowVentures is accelerating the adoption of climate-smart innovations and digital solutions across Southeast Asia.
The transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy in Southeast Asia requires fundamental shifts in farming practices - from traditional production to regenerative agriculture. This shift will not happen unless we accelerate access to affordable technologies and digital tools for the 70 million+ agri-SMEs who lie at the frontline of this challenge.
There is widespread agreement that companies and governments cannot drive farm-gate adoption alone but the landscape remains highly fragmented. Tackling these siloed delivery systems requires an innovation ecosystem involving multiple stakeholders, who can collectively unlock capacity and investments in agri-food innovation.

Supported by:

Grow Asia has run Innovation Challenges in Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand, that identify, promote, and deploy best-in-class technologies and digital solutions to solve specific challenges in smallholder value chains. We provide tools such as data, mentors, and access to farmers. Over 300 people on 70 teams have competed in Grow Asia Hackathons to date. The latest series of Innovation Challenges are supported by the Smallholder Economic Empowerment through Digital Solutions (SEEDS) program.
We are working with Viet Nam's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) to establish Southeast Asia’s first Food Innovation Hub. The Food Innovation Hub - Viet Nam (FIH-V) will act as a catalytic platform to accelerate the transformation of Viet Nam's agricultural sector to become a powerhouse of sustainable and low-carbon agricultural products.


Join the Digital Learning Series
The Grow Asia Digital Learning Series (DLS) provides a regular platform for Grow Asia’s Digital Community of Practice to share learnings and insights on how digital solutions can be developed and scaled up for impact on smallholder farmers. Themes we have covered include annual overviews of the agritech landscape in Southeast Asia, reaching farmers using chat, carbon markets for smallholder farmers, satellite imaging, understanding smallholder agritech business models, and logistics tech for the agriculture industry.

Human Centered Design Training
Grow Asia organizes Human Centered Design (HCD) Training as a vital component of our Innovation Challenges. These immersion programs are tailor-made for startup founders and corporate leaders to meet with farmers in the field and apply a HCD approach to solving smallholder problems in agriculture value chains.
The Digital Directory
The Digital Directory is a solutions database of close to 70 digital agriculture solutions for smallholder value chains, which are active in ASEAN. Digital solutions can transform the sector only if investors, agribusiness, and development actors are aware of the available solutions and come together to support their development and scale-up. The Directory provides an entry point for those new to the sector and provides information on solutions and also contact details so new partnerships can emerge.

Facilitating startup - corporate partnerships
Facilitate startup-corporate partnerships that help to increase the adoption of climate-smart solutions and farmer-centric digital tools.
Reports & Guides

Piloting projects
Facilitate pilot projects that serve as proofs of concept for emerging technologies.